Saturday, September 01, 2007

Taking a hike

Yesterday I took the day off and went for a walk. I went out to the Palisades East park. Once I got to the top, I took a couple of quick pictures with my phone. It was really nice to get outside and actually get a little exercise.

Having gone for this little walk, I went back down and then made my way along Northside drive through Vininigs and back to Piedmont. I ate a fish taco at the Zesto near the corner of Piedmont and Lindbergh. Here's a very impressionistic shot (caused by some water on the lens, I think) of the fence around the patio at the Zesto.

Today, we're doing a little work on the kitchen. We have to put in an additional plank in the hardwood floor because our new cabinets will not be quite as deep as the old ones along one wall of the kitchen. These means that we need to chisel out a section of the plywood that's on the old subfloor so that the new strip of wood will be flush. It's much easier than it looks, but I need to rip the plank to the same width as the other one and then we have to sand and polyurethane it.

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