Sunday, September 09, 2007

Kitchen progress, other fun

We have an entire army of people working on our kitchen now! David and Adam are doing all sorts of electrical work; Chris is doing plumbing and has been pinch-hitting as a carpenter, and Ricardo will be starting on the sheet rock work later today. You can see pictures over at my Flickr page: . They are doing great work and it may be ready for cabinets to be hung later this week.

In other news, the weather is cooling down and so I took my scooter over to Twist-n-Scoot and got its (long-overdue) tune-up. It's perfect scooter weather right now and it seems less intimidating to be riding on Decatur and Morningside over to Piedmont.

Last night, Julie and I went to the Brick Store pub and tried some Belgian beers: St. Bernardus and La Chouffe; Julie had a Great Divide IPA. The Belgians are very different: the St. Bernardus is 10 percent (!) ABV. There are all sorts of complicated tastes in these beers. The La Chouffe has a definite spicy taste to it. I'm not sure these would be my first choice, but it was nice to try something different.

I've started reading a Barbara Kingsolver book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. It's the story of her family's attempt to eat local foods for a year. I've only read the first two chapters; Julie really liked it and it seems good so far.

I'm continuing to do more and more with Django. I'll also post a separate post with a recipe for creating a facebook using jpegs and the ReportLab library.

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