Sunday, June 29, 2008

Looking at Alfresco again...

I am more and more convinced that there is a lot of value locked up in the Alfresco ECM/WCM product. I have the "demo" bundle (built-it db and Tomcat) running on one of our OpenVZ instances and it looks good. I've been poking around in the documentation and also looking for Alfresco oriented blogs and sites. One of the best I've found so far is Jeff Potts's ECM Architect. He is a very clear writer with lots of useful tutorial style material on the site. He will be publishing a book via Packt soon. "Give Alfresco a REST" is a good example of his writing style. It's part of a the Alfresco Developer Series of articles on his blog.

Another interesting tidbit that I learned from his blog is that Alfresco and Drupal were used together to create the new Amnesty International web-site. This is really interesting. Despite a number of pleas on the blog that published the information, there doesn't seem to be any detail on how this was achieved.

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